•: 328 :Jinabhadra Gani's
[The sixth भेव्याः स्वभावत एव जीवा न तु कर्मतः, " इति यूयं भणथ, तेनास्माकं संदेह इति ॥ २७४ ॥ (१८२२)॥ ____D. C.-Mandika :-If you accept that the distinction between bhavya and a-bhavya is also karma-janita ( like that between hen and animal life ) I have nothing to say, but when you take their distinction to be svabhāveka, I raise the doubt ॥ 274 ( 1822 ) ॥
Explaining the real cause between bhavya and a-bhavya the author replies:दवाइत्ते तुल्ले जीव-नहाणं सभावओ भेओ। जीवा-ऽजीवाइगओ जह, तह भवे-यरविसेसो॥२७५॥(१८२३) Davvāitte tulle jîva-nahānam sabhāvao bheo i Jîvā'jîvāigao jaha, taha bhavveyaraviseso 11 275 | ( 1823 ) [ द्रव्यादित्वे तुल्ये जीव-नभसोः स्वभावतो भेदः ।
जीवा-ऽजीवादिगतो यथा, तथा भव्ये-तरविशेषः ॥२७५॥ (१८२३) Dravyaditve tulye jiva-nabhaso svabhávato bhedah | Jivajivadigato yatha, tatha bhavyetara-visesah ॥ 273 ॥ ( 1823 )]
____ Trans.-275 Just as in ( case of ) jiva and nabhas the natural distinction of living and lifeless does exist even in ( the midst of ) the common element of ( their being ) dravya etc., in the same way, the distinction of auspicious and inauspicious is also natural. ( 1823 )
टीका-यथा जीव-नभसोर्द्रव्यत्व-सत्त्व-प्रमेयत्व-ज्ञेयत्वादौ तुल्येऽपि जीवा-ऽजीवत्व-चेतना-चेतनत्वादिस्वभावतो भेदः, तथा जीवानामपि जीवत्वसाम्येऽपि यदि भव्या-ऽभव्यकृतो विशेषः स्यात, तर्हि को दोषः ? इति ॥ २७५ ।। ( १८२३)
___D. C-Although java and ākās' as possess the common properties like dravyatva, sattva ( existence ), prameyatva