Untruthfulness, dishonesty, unchastity, covetousness, anger, conceit etc. are other sources of sin. Sin is no offence against God, but only againt man according to Jaina ethics.
The ethical system of the Jainas is more rigorous than that of the Buddhists. It looks upon patience as the highest good and pleasure of senses as a source of sin.
The chief feature of Jainism is ahimsā (respect for all and abstention from injuring everything that has life.)
The Jainas repudiate the theory of the creation of the world out of nothing or as a series of accidents. According to them, there can neither be destruction of things that do · exist nor can there be creation of things out of nothing. So, according to this view, there is no God necessary for creation or destruction.
Jainism looks upon God, nature, and soul, as aspects of the same. According to Jaina ethics there is no God except the soul in its ideal integrity.
The Jaina philosophy tells us that the life of God in heaven is one of the forms that a soul might assume by the accumulation of punya ( merit ). According to them, Gods are only embodied souls like men and animals different from them in degree but not in kind.
The liberated souls are above gods. They are never born again, and they have no connection with the world. Meditation or adoration of the Jinas sanctifies the soul. (b) Theory of Soul: Plurality of spirits...
According to the Jaina philosopby, the universe is filled with javas. Jiva means whatever is living and not whatever is mechanical. So, it corresponds to the life-elemant of Bergson. And since it is a subject of experience it also corresponds to the monad of Leibniz.