the reputation as a commentator mainly from this work. For, wherever he has been referred to as Bhāsyakāra, the references have been quoted from this'eşāvas'yaka Bhāşya. But as has been suggested in the Preface to the Jita Kalpa Sūtrala it is not improbable if Jinabhadra Gani Ksamă S'ramana had composed other bhāsyas as well. Take, for example, the following verse from the Vis'eşāvas'ayaka Bhāsya
पोग्गल-मोदय-दन्ते फरुसगवडसालभंजने चेव ।
थीणाद्धियस्स ए ए दिटुंता होंति नायबा ॥ २३५॥ In this verse, the examples of poggala ( flesh ) modaya ( sweet-balls ) danta (teeth ) pharusaga (a potter ) and vadasāla ( the branch of a tree ) have not been explained in. details by the commentators. Ācārya Hemacandra Maladhāri suggestively remarks that“ Tai Tai Tufa lagtaat faftegaat " (These examples should be understood in details from Nis'eetha)
Kotyācāryals also leaves the remark unexplained merely by saying " faaste getIn:" (We shall explain this in Nis'eetha)
The question arises as to who is the author of Nis'eetha. The tradition does not give the credit of authorship either to Hemacandrācārya Maladhāri or to Kotyācārya. So, it is probable that the commentary must have been written by Jinabhadra Gāni and the sentence" foarte a la:" found in the commentary of Kotyācārya might have orginally belonged to the. commentary written by S'rî Jinabhadra Gani kşamā s'ramana himself.14
12. Vide Jita Kalpa Sūtra Preface Page 9.
13. Whose commentary has not been published, but is preserved in the Bhandārkara Research Institute, Poona. .
14. Jinavijayaji gives another evidence for this belief. In & miscellancous collection of several stray Commentaries (which he possesses ) the compiler gives three verses of Nis'eetha Bhāşya and makes the following remark at the end ;gfa fHEHAT a fariteTH167FTIGAT-E27:
( Preface to Jita Kalpa Sūtra pp. 9-10)