Really speaking, the flame of lamp does not vanish entirely but it only changes its form. Just as milk changes its form into curds, the Hame of lamp changes into darkness. The minute particles of the flame of a lamp transform them. selves into still more minute particles of darkness which are not perceptible. But that does not mean that they have ceased to exist entirely. As a matter of fact, the light-particles of the flame which were perceptible to the eye would become perceptible to pose when turned into darkness. So, the lamp does not entirely die away, but it only changes from light into darkness which is perceptible. Like a lamp, a java is also said to have attained Nirvāņa or Final Emancipation, · when that jîva passes into a new form which is a-mūrta, free from Karma-bandhas and which is unobstructible. This, therefore, shows that the pure, eternal, positive condition of jîva at the removal of obstructions like sukha-duhkha is called the state of Nirvūņa or Final Emancipation to the java.
Like a sage, engrossed in the highest bliss of Absolute Knowledge, a Muktātmā liberated from the bondages of all sorts of worldly miseries like birth, death, and old age etc. enjoys a blissful state of Perfect Knowledge.
. Finally, explaining the real interpretation of the sentences of Vedas such as “ Na ha vai sas'arârasya priyā’priyayopahatirasti" as well as " As'ariram vā vasantam priyā'priye na spris'atah" etc., S'ramana Bhagavān Mahāvara Swānî convinces the Ganadhara of the validity of the theory of Nirvāna and removes all his doubts. (For further explanation see discusssion with the last Ganadhara ).
II The Author-His Life, Works and Dates, (a) Life.
Jinabhudru Gani Kşamās'ramana is the author of this splendid work. Very little is known about his life. Yet,