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Jinabhadra Gaņi's
[The fourth
D. C.-Vyakta ! your argument is this :-Complete attain. ment of (the existence of) objects is not possible either svatah or paratah or ubhayataḥ or anyataḥ as in the case of (the accomplishment of the existence of) the hrasva and dirgha, there being apeksikatva (expectation) of the Kārya Karanādibhāvas (3. e., relations like that of cause and effect) of the padārthas. Hence, each and every object is expected to be either karya or karana. As every karya is done by karana, its kāryatva is subjugated by karanatva. But the kāryatva of a kārya is not svabhāva-siddha ( self-accomplished ).
Similarly, kārana accomplishes kārya. So that, kāraṇatva of karaṇa is subjugated by the kāryatva of kārya. But kārņatva also is not svatah siddha.
Now, one which is not Svatahsiddha by virtue of its own self cannot be accomplished by means of another also, as in the case of the horn of an ass. So, kāryadibhāva is accomplished neither by itself nor by another.
Again, it is improper to consider the possibility of kāryādibhāvas even by sva and para taken together. Because, since siddhi is not found in either of them separately, how could it be attained in the samudaya of the two ? Take the example of oil and sand. When 'oil is not present in every single particle of sand, it is not found in the collection of sand also. Thus, the accomplishment of an object by means of ubhaya, (both ) is also impossible.
In case of accomplishment by means of ubhaya, there is another difficulty also. During the process of siddhi, so long as kārya is not accomplished, there is kāraṇasiddhi and so long as karana is not accomplished, there is kāryasiddhi. Consequently, kārya and karana depend upon each other, and hence there is itaretarasrayadosa, or the fault of affecting each other, Thus, it is clear that the siddhi of kāryādibhāva is not possible even if sva and para are taken together.