of its parents as • well as its own Karmas. Lastly, there also exist some objects which are permanently accomplished like sky.
Whatever is accepted and apprehended by us as being produced by means of sāmagrî or a group of materials, is nothing but a collection of atoms. This naturally leads us to believe in the existence of atomis.
Out of the five main bhūtas or elements, the first four viz. Prithvi ( earth ), ap ( water ), tejas ( fire ) and vāyu are sa-cetana or animate because the symptoms of cetană are found in all of them. But the fifth element viz, ākās'a (sky) being a-murta or incorporeal, acts only as a support and has no life.”
Though distinct from the variations of clouds etc., bodies made of the first four elements are sa-cetana only so long as they are unstruck by any implement. These bodies turn lifeless immediately if and when they are struck by some implement.
At this point, the Bhagavān explains the important doctrine of Ahimsā or non-violence. He distates that according to the specific laws of morality, that which results in evil consequences is called himsā and that which results in good fruition is called a-himsā.
One does not commit himsā in spite of his striking a java. if his motive in doing so is beneficial at the end; on the other hand, a person is said to have committed himsā on account of his evil motive. Inspite of his abstention from striking a living being.
All these facts lead to prove that the bhutas do exist, and that out of the five main bhūtas, the first four are sa-cetuna.
(v) Identity of Existence: Sudharman, the fifth. Ganadhara, asksd a question as to whether a living being in
5. Vegetables being only a variety of Pșthvī should be included under Prthvī.