•: 124 : : Jinabhadra Gaại's [The second
Here there is an objection and its refutationमुत्तेणामुत्तिमओ उवघाया-ऽणुग्गहा कहं होजा ? । जह विण्णाणाईणं मइरापाणोसहाईहि ॥ ८९॥ (१६३७) Mutteņāmuttimao uvaghāyā-'nuggahā kaham hojjā ? Jaha vinnānainam mairāpānosahaihim ॥ 89 ( 1637 ) [ मूर्तेणामूर्तिमत उपघाता-ऽनुग्रही कथं भवेताम् । ___ यथा विज्ञानादीनां मदिरापानौ-पधादिभिः ।। ८९ ॥ (१६३७) Mūrteņāmūrtinata upaghātā'nugrahau katham bhavetām? I Yatha vijñānādînām madirāpānau-şadhādibhiḥ 11 89 ( 1637)]
Trans.-89 “ How could the amūrta ( soul) be supported or damaged by the mūrta (Karman)?” ( The answer is- ) In the way as vijnana etc. are ( damaged or supported) by a drink of wine, medicine etc. ( 1637 ) ______टीका-ननु मूर्तेन कर्मणाऽमूर्तिमतो जीवस्य कथमाह्लादपरितापाद्यनुग्रहो-पघातौ स्याताम् ? । न ह्यमूर्तस्य नमसो मूर्तेर्मलयजज्वलनज्वालादिभिस्तौ युज्यते इति भावः। अत्रोत्तरमाह-'जह विण्णाणाईणमित्यादि यथाऽमूर्तानामपि विज्ञान-विविदिषा-धृति-स्मृत्यादिजीवधर्माणां मूत्रपि मदिरापान-हृत्पूर-विष-पिपीलिकादिभिर्भक्षितैरुपधातः क्रियते, पयः-शर्कराधृतपूर्ण मेषजादिभिस्त्वनुग्रह इत्येवमिहापीति । एतच्च जीवस्यामूर्तत्वमभ्युपगम्योक्तम् ॥ ८९ १६३७ ।।
D. C.-Agnibhuti-In fact, the amerta ātman cannot feel joy or sorrow as an conugraha ( favour) or upaghāta (offence) by virtue of a mūrta Karman, just as the comūrta ākāsa is neither supported nor damaged by the mūrta sandalwood or fire-flame.
Ācārya-Desire for discussion of vijnana, moral courage, remembrance etc., are the amūrta qualities of soul. These qualities are weakened by taking wine, poison, ant, a white thornapple etc.t and, are nourished by taking the mūrta drugs which contain
+ Popularly known as dhatura in Western India.