actions. The five prohibitions which go by the name of the five great vows (pancha mohavralas) are, (i) not to kill life (pranc. tipåt viraman vrata) ; (ii) not to tell lies (mrishůvada viraman vrata) ; (iii) not to steal and the like (ndattådan viraman vrata); (iv) not to be covetous (parigraha viraman irata); (v) not to indulge in sexual congress (maithuna viraman vrata). These are the five great probibitions which are enjoined on the jivi to observe for avoidance of influx of karma matter into the soul ; because so vicious, relentless and keen is the law of karma to flow into soul that the moment an inlet is created by the jiva through a single and simple act of omission in the observance of these vows, the intlux of karma-matter will at once take place?
Next in order are the krijâs (works or actions) which are five and twenty kinds through which karma also Hows into the soul. These kriyas are, - (1) Kayeki kriy-means the bodily move
ments through the carelessness of which an evil karmu may flow into the soul.