right and wrong and thus fall away from the right conduct. So is the case with the eye (chakshu) through the lust of which karma flows into the soul for instances are not wanting in our every-day life to show how they get themselves entangled into the snares of the world by lustfully gazing on art or young women which in the long run charm them away from the right path. Karmas also flow into the soul through the other senses in the same way by setting up vibratory action-currents running towards the soul.
Next come the four kashayas or propensions in and through which karma also flows into the soul; namely, anger (krodha), mâna (conceit), maya (hypocrisy) and lobha (greed). Indulgence in any one of these means perverting the right vision into the metaphysics of things and thereby falling away from right conduct which can only proceed from the right knowledge of things and ideals.
Then there are the Avratus by dint of which karma flows into the soul. Avrata means non-abstention from doing prohibited