(c) Váman (d) Kuba (c) Hunaak (19) Aprasastha Varuu (20) Aprasastha Gandha (21) Aprasastha Rası (22) Aprasastha Sparsha (23) Upaghætu (24) Rubihâyo goti (25) Stharar (26) Sukshma (27) Iparyaptu (28) Sådhåran (29) Isthira (30) Asubha (31) Asubhaga (33) Duswar (33) Anådoya and (34)
Apayasha kirti. These are the eighty two ways in and through which a jiva, pays the penalty for his committing vices in the past. Thus, if a man is an idiot, he must have been then labouring under the action-currents of injury to knowledge. A short-sighted man must be under the iniluence of chakshu darshaná - baraniya karma. If a man inspite of the presence of necessary requisites at his elbow and inspite of his intelligence and industry is not able to make profit from the business in which he has laid out his whole fortune, then it must be understood as due to labhuilltartaya action-currents set up by him through some viscious acts done in the past.