complete maturity of limbs and other organs in their entirety.
97. Sådhåran karma-is the actioncurrent whereby a jiva dwells in a body which is common to many.
98. Asthira karma-is the actioncurrent due to the influence of which the teeth, the bones etc., not being strongly set up are unsteady and wallable.
99. Asubha karma—is the actioncurrent due to which the upper part of the body is neither well-built nor pleasing to other eyes.
100. Durbhagya karma-is the actioncurrent whereby a jiva in spite of his working hard and doing many good deeds does not get any popularity in return.
101. Dushar karma—is the action-current whereby thc jiva has a rough hoarse voice.
102. Anddeya karma-is the actioncurrent due to the bad influence of which a jiva, however he may speak truth, or words of wisdom and utility, his words carry no weight, nor convince any one of the truth he speaks out.