upper part only, leaving the lower part defective and clumsy.
90. Saubhagya karma-is the actioncurrent by reason of which a jiva becomes popular.
91. Susvara karma-is the actioncurrent whereby a jiva has the privilege of having a sweet melodious voice which charms all who hear.
92. Adeya karma is the action current which adds importance, wisdom and weight to the words spoken by a jiva.
93. Yoshokirti karma—is the actioncurrent whereby a jiva earns name and fame.
94. Sthåvara karma is the actioncurrent which impells a jiva to take birth in an organism of immovable nature like the trees and plants.
95. Sukshma sarira karma-is the action-current whereby a jiva has a very fine subtle body hardly perceptible by the sense-organs.
96. Apary&pta karma—is the set of action-current by the influence of which a jiva has to succumb before it attains to a