Bonnum of every moral endeavour. Now in the eternal continuum of Karma wherewith the soul stands in relation of timeless conjunction (anddi apaschånupurbi samyoga sambandha praváha) there are two sets of currents which leave vestiges of Karma on the various Pradeshas or corpuscles of the soul.
Now the one set of action-currents which thus inhibits or retards or is actually harmful to the unfoldment of the psychical tripartite possibilities infinite is called the action-current of Injury (afaa #) and the other set of similar current which in the same way determines merely the physical condition of the psychê or the soul—its body and localisation-is termed as the 'actioncurrent of non-injury'.
Ghatin karmas or the action-currents of Ghatin Kar. Injury-are of four kinds, according as they
retard the unfoldment of the tripartite Infinite psychical possibilites, namely, Vision Knowledge, and Freedom. Thus :I. DarshanAVARANIYA or the Action
current of injury to right vision.
Divisions of