Karika says, a gefa: a farfa: ; i.e. neither evolvent nor evolute. This Purusha is never Purush is in bondage and is outside time. It stands ever
ever free. absolutely apart from Prakriti and her products. Yet owing to its proximity to Buddhi (Intellect), it seems to think that it enjoys and suffers, while in reality, it is above weal or woe. It is, always, free and its apparent bondage disappears as soon as it becomes cognisant of its true nature.
THB YOGA PHILOSOPHY. The Seshvara Sânkhya or, as it is more often called the Yoga system is, in fact, the Sânkhya system itself, only modified to satisfy the religious side of human nature. It develops a system of practical discipline, mainly ethical and psychological by which concentration of thought could be attained.
Kapila had declared that the existence of Ishvara God did not admit of proof. Theism of
Patanjali, Patanjali controverts this. assertion and proceeds to prove the existence of God by an argument which, as Maxmuller remarks, reminds one of the theistic argument of Eleanther and Boethin. Patanjali's argument as explained by Bhoja, is that different de