p. 217
: As a general rule, the works cited below are those which bave been quoted more than once in the text,
The asterisk after a reference (other than Bh) indicates that the passage referred to i, in verse. lo confirmity, with the usage of CPD, two asterisks after a reference to the Vinaya indicate a text of the sikkhapada ; and the acute accent denotes a text of the "ancient commentary':
Abhidhāna = Abhidhāna-Rajendra. 7 vol., Ratlām, 1913-1925. Ardha-Magadhi Dictionary. 5 vol, 1923-1938. BHS, Dict.=Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary. New Haven, Yale Uni
versity Press, 1953. CPD=A Critical Pali Dictionary. Copenhagen, 1924. EM=ERNOUT-MEILLET, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine.
Histoire des Mots. Paris, 19594. G: P. MALALASEKERA-Disctionary of Pali Proper Names. 2 Vol., London,
1960, Nep. Dict =A comparative and etymological Dictionary of the Nepali
'Language by Ralph Lilley TURNER, London 1931. PED=The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary. London, 1921-25. PSM=Hárgovind Das .T. SHETH. Pāia-Sadda-Mahannayo. Varanasi, 1963a : (Prakrit Text Society VII). B. J. SANDESARA and J, P. THAKER - Lexicographical Studies in Jaina
Sanskrit. Oriental Institute, Baroda, 1962, 241 p. (The M. S. Uni. versity Oriental Series, No. 5). (Reprinted from the Journal of the
Oriental Institute). . ERE=Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, ed. by HASTINGS J., 12 vol.,
Edinburg, 1908-1921.
COLLECTIONS AKM=Abhandlugen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. *Leipzig: Alt-und Neu-Indische Studien herausgegeben vom Seminar für Kultur und
Geschichte Indiens an der Hamburgischen Universität. Hamburg. ... AOS=-American Oriental Series. New Haven, Connecticut. .
EFEO=Ecole Francaise d'Extrême-Orient. Hanoï, Paris. Grundriss der Indo-Arischen Philologie und Altertumskunde, begründet von