Fourth Chapter
The Residentials ( pt) live as follows: In the first earth, Ratnaprabha, there are three strata, one above the other with an interyal of 1000 yojanas. The first is called kharabhaga (**) this is the abode of 9 classes of Residentials, 1. e. of all except Asura Kumaras. The Asucas reside in the 2nd stratum called panka-bhaga ( ) In the third or lowest stratum, called Ab bahula-bhaga ( w aam), there is situated the 1st hell
SUTRA 11 ध्यन्तरा : किन्नरकिम्पुरुषमोरगगंधर्वयक्षराक्षसभूतपिशाचाः ॥ ११ ॥ Vyantarah kinnara kimpurusa mahoraga gandharva yaksa
raksasa bhuta pishachah The (classes of) Peripatetics (are).
1 Kinnara. 2. Kimpurusha 3 Mahoraga 4 Gandharya 5 Yaksha. 6. Rakshasa 7. Bhuta.
8. Pishacha. Some of these live in the innumerable Oceans and Continents. 1, e., all excepts the Rakshasa, live in the khara-bhaga or first uppermost stratum of the first earth Ratnaprabba, The Rakshasas live in the 2nd or panka-bhaga of the same
SUTRA 12 ज्योतिस्का सूर्याचन्द्रमसौग्रहनक्षत्रप्रकीरिणकनारकाश्च ॥ १२ ॥ Jyotiskah surya chandramasau graha naksatra prakirnika
tarakascha. The classes of settlers are
1 Surya, the sun. 2. Chandrama, the moon. 3. Graha, the planets. 4. Nakshatra, the constellations,
5. Prakırnika taraka, scattered stars, The stellarz begin at a height of 790 yojanas (each of 2000 kosas) from the level of the earth on which we are. The lowest are the stars.