Tatyartha Sutram
SUTRA 7 कायप्रवीचारामाऐशानात् ॥ ७ ॥
Kaya pravichara Aaaishanat. Up to Isana (or the 2nd heaven, celestial beings which include all Residential, Peripatetic and Stellar celestial beings) have bodily sexual enjoyment (like human beings).
SUTRA 8 शेषाः स्पर्शरूपशब्दमन : प्रवीचारा: ॥८॥ Shesah sparsha rupa shabda manah pravicharah.
The others have the sexual enjoyment by means of touch, sight of beauty, sound and mind (as follows :)
In 3rd and 4th heavens by touch only In 5, 6, 7, and 8th , sight only. In 9, 10, 11, and 12th , „ sound only as songs, etc. In 13, 14, 15, and 16th „mind only.
SUTRA 9 परेऽप्रवीचारा ॥ ६॥
Pareapravi charah. The remaining (celestial beings are without sexual desire. (There are no goddesses there. Beyond the 16th heaven there is only the male sex).
SUTRA 10 भवनवासिनोऽसुरनागविद्युत्सुपर्णाग्निवातस्तनितोदधि द्वीपदिक्कुमार ॥ १० ॥ Bhayana vasino asurnaga vidyut suparnagni vata stanito
dadhidvipa dikkumarah. (The 10 classes of ) Residential celestial beings (are): Asurakumara, Naga, Vidyuta, Suparna, Agni, Vata, Stanıta, Udadhi, Dvipa and Dik Kumara,
They are called Kumaras, because their lives and habits are likt of youths of under 20 who are called kumaras,