perfग्नः प्रशाम्यति निरंषितः
स्वतत्युभयमाच्यु रहो मोहाग्नि 'रुट २६॥ Fire burns when fed with fuel and goes ont for want of it. But it is a wonder that the terrible fire of infatuation blazes strongly in both the ways (on getting the objects of desire and also on not getting them).
मया वातारिदाह दरग-कीटवत् ।
जन्म - मृत्यु - समाश्लिष्टे शरीरे वत् सीदसि ॥ ६३ ॥ Alas, thou art tortured in body wrapped by birth and death like an insect inside a castor log burning at both ends.
गन्तुमुच्छास निश्वास रामस्यत्येष संततम् ।
लोकः पुत्रमिती बांधत्वात्मान- मजरामरम् ॥ ७१ ॥ This (life) constantly practises to go out by breaths coming in and out. The people on the other hand wish the present life to be undecayable and immortal.
प्रसुप्तो मरणाशंकां प्रबुद्धो जीवितोत्सवम् ।
प्रत्यहं जनयत्येष तिष्ठेत् काये कियच्चिरम् ॥ ८२ ॥ Every day while sleeping he wears the appearance of death and while awaking he makes merry on his being alive. This (scene) is being enacted every day. How long can this soul live in this body?
दया दम-स्याग-समाधि संततेः ।
पथि प्रयाहि प्रगुणं प्रयत्नवान् ।
नयस्यवश्यं वचसामगोचरम् ।
freeपरं परमं मप्यसौ ॥ Pursue actively and straight the tinuous observance of compassion,
१०७ ॥
path of con