Jaina Iconography
Svastika. Prof. Vogel himself writes, "and that over the outermost head on the proper left and the Svastika.”1
His name has a historical meaning. He acquired the name of Supari va because he was endowed from birth with 'beautiful sides'. His mother suffered from leprosy in both her sides. This dreadful discase was cured before the Child's birth, so he was given the name of Su (good) Pārsva (side). This has also evident connection with his emblem of Svastika which stands for good and auspiciousness.
The main iconographic details to be gleaned from the Jaina books distinguish the image of Candraprabha from all other Indian images. His Lanchana or technical emblem is the moon or the crescent. His special tree is Naga (Nāgakesara, (AM). The goblins are Vijaya and Bhrkuti (Jvālāmalini). The Chowri-bearer, who does him honour is called Dana-virya.
Many good specimens of this Jina's image have come to light in Northern India. All of them, however, answer the definitions as detailed above, in a specific way. The artists in India, it is well known, acted up to the demands of the priests and temple-worshippers. In sculpture, we get two types, the seated and the standing types, in which the main figure of the Tirthamkara appears amidst his attendants and Chowri-bearers. It is obviously not a difficult question to explain the origin of his name and his symbolism. Literally, he was called Candraprabha because he had the lustre (Prabhā) of that of the moon. There is also a historical tradition accounting for this name
I. Ibid.. p. 77.
2. शोभनौ पाश्र्वावस्य सुपार्श्व: । Hemacandra.
Heart of Jainism. p. 52. 53.
Inscribed image of Candraprabha standing with other Tirthamkaras, Deogarh Fort, Dist. Jhansi. No. 2224, list of Photo-negatives A.I.S. In the same fort may be seen a seated image of the Jina. In Madanpur, Jhansi Dist.. 5 Jina Figures have been found out of which one represents the Jina Candraprabha. An erect Fig. of Candraprabha from Gwalior is in the Indian Museum. Gat, 12. No. 3702.
चन्द्रस्येव प्रभा ज्योत्स्ना सौम्यलेश्या विशेषोऽस्य चन्द्रप्रभः ।