Jaina Iconography
Divergence exists among cven tho Svetāmbara texts with regard to the vehicle of Varuna, the guardian God of the west. Some texts assign to him the vehicle of a dolphin, others a fish. He is, however, unaniinously represented as bearing a noose and figuratively wears the ocean. The other sect makes him appcar in icons bedecked in pearls, corals, etc., riding a dolphin and bearing a noosc.!
The Jaina form of Varuņa may be distinguished only by his symbol of a fish, as some texts render him. In all other respects, he is the same as the Brāhmaṇa guardian-god of the west. The symbols of a dolphin, noosc, pcarls etc., all originate from the god's connection with the west and the ocean. We find, among the Yaksas, one named Varuna but he rides a bull. On the contrary, Pātāla Yaksa of Ananta Jina, rides a dolphin and has among his attributes a noose. Either of them presumably has been influenced by the original idea of Varuņa.
He rides a deer according to all Jaina authorities. Some Svetāmbara texts give him the attribute of a Vajra, others give him a banner.2 The Digambara account of him only differs
1. वरुणं धवलवर्ण मकरवाहनं पाशपाणिम् ।
Nirvanakalikā. Cr. श्रीवरुणाय पश्चिमदिगधीशाय समुद्रवासाय मेघवर्णाय पीताम्बराय पाशहस्ताय मत्स्यवाहनाय
Ācāradinakara. पद्मिन्याश्रितदन्तिदन्तमकरारूढं भुजङ्गायुधं मुक्ताविद्रुमभूषणं च वरुणं काष्ठां प्रतीचीं श्रितम् ।
Derohija. cr. प्रोत्फुल्लत्पद्मखेलत्करकरिमकरव्योमयानाधिरूढं प्रेवन्मुक्ताप्रवालाभरणमुपस्थावृदा राहताक्षं (?) स्फूर्जद्धीमाहिपाशं वरुणमपरदिग्रक्षणं प्रीणयामि ॥
Pratisthāsāroddhāra. 2. ओं नमः श्रीवायवे वायव्यदिगधीशाय धूसराङ्गाय रक्ताम्बराय हरिणवाहनाय. ध्वजप्रहरणाय...