[PART IV of the Pandya king Avanipa-sekhara Sri-Vallabha (Sri-Māra Śr-Vallabha, 815-62), a Jaina teacher Ilan-Gautaman, also called Madurai Asiriyan, arranged for the repair and renovation of the ardha-mand apa by having removed all defects therein, and having re-embellished it with paintings and sculpture, had
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Fig. XI. Sittannavasal : plan of cave-temple
a structural mukha-mand apa built in front, of which the original ba'se or moulded adhisthāna is still extant. It also refers to the erection of a tall pillar, māna-stamba, the square abacus of which, with a lotus underside, was
1 The present construction of the stone mandapa with four stone pillars and slab-roof was erected as a preservative measure by the present writer while he was the State Archacologist in Pudukkottai before 1946 on the clues of the original mundupa. The pillars used are from the ruined hundred-pillared mandapa of the Kudumiya malai Siva (Sikhânätba-svami) temple. The adhisthana below is original.