substance in which the measure is said to reside. The difference also cannot be said to be a quality, because there is nothing except the substance which is being perceived. The knowledge of difference is nothing but the knowledge of the specific individuality.
3. Union also cannot be called a quality. Water, etc., separately do not produce the seedling, not because there is want of union, for even though there is union the effect is not produced at all times but because there is absence of the earth, etc. of particular moments which are able to produce the result. All the qualities are nothing but the different kinds of Vijñanas.
4. Conformation also cannot be accepted as being of three kinds, Vega (motion), Bhavaná (tendency) and Sthitisthápaka (elasticity ) because it has been already established that everything is momentary, and that the previous things are the causes of the next ones, So the effects of these three conformations, continuous action, obtaining the previous position and the memory, are not produced by the conformations.
XII. Karmapariksa.
Examination of Action. Action is a separate category (padartha). It is of five kinds, Utksepaņa (lifting up) Avaksepaņa (throwing down ) Åkuncana (bending inward) Prasdrana ( stretching forward) and Gamana (motion). Action is known by perception, for instance, when we perceive a man moving from place to place. It can also be proved by inference, for instance, from the union and disunion of two entities. Two things cannot be united or disjointed without action,
Refutation. As it has already been established that everything is changing every moment, there cannot exist anything which begets action only sometimes and not always. The thing which is without action one moment does not get action in the next moment, because the thing itself is not remaining the same. The moment it gets action it becomes something different, and action also is not different from thing of the moment.