only those which are too subtle for organs of the sense, but those which are imperceptible by accident, as the fire in a mountain that smokes " ( Davies, p. 27). The latter is an Instance of पूर्ववत् अनुमान, which वाचo regards to be as important for our inquiry as the . The most important kind of अनुमान, from our point of view, is सामान्यतोदृष्ट ( and शेषवत्, which is not mentioned by the कारिका, but added by वाच० ), which leads us to infer things which are too subtle for the organs of sense. But जय० rejects पूर्ववत् and शेषवत् both (p. 9 ).
पतञ्जलि lays down six causes of अनुपलब्धि ( महाभाष्य IV. 1. 3). See Introduction. The eight causes of mentioned in
the कारिका are reduced to four by जय०
(1) देशशेष includes अतिदूर and अतिसामीप्य. इन्द्रियघात and मनोऽनवस्थान.
(2) इन्द्रियदोष (3) विषयदोष
सौक्ष्म्य, and
( 4 ) अर्थान्तरदोष includes व्यवधान, अभिभव and समानाभिहार. Sovani is right in remarking that all these can be reduced to two - इन्द्रियदोष and विषयदोष ( See p. 405). माठर lays down the causes of अनुपलब्धि of असत् ( non-existent) things even— इदानीमसतां चतुर्धा भवति । तत्रोच्यते- प्राक्प्रध्वंसेतरेतरात्यन्ताभावभेदात्...... एवमियं द्वादशधानुपलब्धिः । सतामष्टधा ह्यसतां चतुर्थी ॥
On the reading प्रकृतिसरूपं, Davies remarks—— Lassen has in the text स्वरूपं ( having its own form ), from the सांख्यकौमुदी, which must be referred to intellect ( महत् ). All the Mss. but one have (like ), which the sense requires. In his translation he has " dissimile et simile". ( p. 27, 1n ).