existence of a large number of qualities of one object in another. This FET" is, thus, one like vita; and if it is perceived in o, then it is perceived in Tay also.
spararat is Presumption. We presume the existence of living in outside the house, if he is not visible inside the house. But, the मीमांसक objects-देशसामान्येन गृहविशेषाक्षेपोऽपि
a: etc. He says that when we hear flera en: pregrafie, then the substratum of the existence of चैत्र 15 देशसामान्य (or space in general), which includes the particular space of a also. Thus, it's non-existence in the TV is opposed to his existence in GTRIHTRY. And, in order to remove this opposition, we have to resort to अर्थापति. वाच० replies that गृह (in which the non-existence of has been established by means of Right Cognition) cannot be included in TATATE. Similarly sa's non-existence in ( which is opposed to his existence in T ) cannnot be a case of opposition to his existence everywhere.
Te is no garut, but is included under tre. For, 47919at is merely a modification of ms. But, says an objector, how can spare (a negation) be a (something positive)? Answer. Under pita were veronate PTOTTAT STORTIT:
O o III. 13), 5TTA has defined Yrrono as BraTFUTTET ETTER quefortfargent Appa: TROTTA STA-i. e. modification is the manifestation of another characteristic on the removal of the previous characteristic of an object, which (object) always remains constant. So, when it was on the me, then it was सद्वित्तीयपरिणाम of भूतल; and when there is no घट, then it is the केवल or अद्वितीयपरिणाम of भूतल.
VI Things directly perceived by the senses nood not be taught by the 774, as they can be easily cognised by even an ordinary person. Now" things beyond the senses are not