The sixty topices are thus enumerated in the Rājas Vārtika: 1 The existence of Nature (Kārıkā XIV). 2 Its singleness (XIV); 3 Objectiveness (xi); 4 Distinctiveness (of Nature from Spirit) (xi); 5 Subordination (of Nature to Spırıt) (XVII); 6 Plurality (of Spirits) (XVIII); 7 Disjunction (of Spirit from Nature in the end) (xx); 8 Conjunction (of Spirit and Nature in the beginning) (XXI); 9 Duration (XIX); 10 Inactivity (of the Spirit) (XIX); these are the ten radical categories. (In addition to these) are the five kınds of Error, (XLVII), nine of Contentment (L), and twenty-eight of Disabılıty of the organs (xLix); these together with the eight forms of Power (LI) make up the sixty "topics". All these sixty topics are treated of in the above disticl:cs, which therefore form a complete Philosophy and cannot be said to be only a section thercof.
Of the above (ten radical categories) sihgleness, objectivity and subordination relate to Nature; distinctness, inactivity and plurality to Spirit; and existence, disjunction and conjunction to both; and duration—i. e. continuance relates to the gross and subtle things.
May this work of Vācaspatı Mıs'ra, Tattva-Kaumudi (the Moonlight of Truth), continue to please (cause to bloom) the clear (lıly-lıke) hearts of good men !
Thus ends the Tattva-Kaumudi of Vacaspatı Mıs'ra.