kills the tiger", -'Bhūtānām; of living beings,-'the origin, duration and dissolution are considered:-which is done in the scriptures.
(277) Objection:-"Let this be so: We shall respect the direct sayings of the great sage (Kapıla); wherefore should we have every regard for the assertion made by Isvarakrsna ?" Answer:
Karikā LXX-LXXI This supreme, purifying (doctrine) the Sage imparted Importance of the to Asuri, who taught it to Pancas'ikha. by Science
whom the philosophy was extensively
propagated. Handed down through a long tradition of pupils, it has been briefly written up in the Aryā metre by the noble-minded Is varakrsna who has thoroughly understood the philosophical doctrine.
Purifying, purifying the Spirit from all evils causing the three kinds of pain.
Supreme, i. e. the most important of all purifying Sage'—Kapıla-Imparted to Āsuri &c.
(278) “Arya"—that which has arrived at truth, and one whose mind is such as 'noble-minded'.
(279) This philosophy is one organic whole in itself, nou a mere section--as it treats of all branches of knowledge:
Kārikā LXXII The subjects that are treated of in the seventy
distiches are those of the complete The sixty topics “Philosophy of the Sixty Topics,' excludof science
ing the illustrative tales, and omitting the doctrines of other people.