(274) When true knowledge appears, the 'Karmic residuum'-even though it is beginningless and its time of fruition is uncertain,-has its productivity destroyed and is unable to produce any 'fruit' in the shape of 'birth, life and life's experiences'. It is oniy when the soil of the Will' 15 watered with the waters of the 'Kles'as' (1. e. Ignorance, Egolis", Love, Hate and Clinging), that the · Karmic seeds' give ou: sprouts ; so that when the said soil is rendered barren ny reason of the waters of Ignorance and the rest having ren sucked up by the heat of the knowledge of Truth',- how could there be any possibility of the Karmic seeds Sprouting up? With this view it is said "Virtue and the rest recome vlevold of causal cnergy;"'--1., they cease to be causes. Even, so, when wisdim has been attained, the body continue for a while, on account of the previous impulse , just a-, ti en efter the action of the potter has ceased, the wheel connues to revolve on account of the momentum imparted :: it. In due time, however, when the impulse becomes exhausted, it beco nes inactive. In the continuance of the body, the impulse is supplied by such virtue and vice whose srution has already commenced; as is declared in S'ruti-"i Having exhausted the others by insans of experience, the soul citains beatitude” and “The delay is only so long as beatise is not attained" [ Chandogya VI, 1, 2). The 'impuls ( to wluch the continuance of the Body is due ) 15 in the r ant of that impulse which had been imparted by the Disappearing Ignorance, it is true that on account of the momentum of this inpulse the Spirit continues to be invested with the body for a lime.
(275) Question — “This may be so; but if the Spirit remains invested with the body by some sort of impulse, when will his Emancipation come about ?"