meant by the words—“ There is no motive for evolution." A "Motive' is that which moves Nature to act towards evolution: and no such motive is possible, when there is no 'purpose of the Spirit.'
(273) Objection :-" We grant all this. But no oner would wisdom be attained than the body would fall off: and then how could the bodiless Spirit behold Nature ( as distinct from himself) ? If it be asserted that “emancipation does not follow immediately on the attainment of wisdom, on account of the unspent residuum of past deeds "--chen, we ask,--how is this residuum destroyed ? , If by mere fruition (1. e. by experience), then you tacıtly imply the mabılıty of wisdom alone to bring about emancipation, and hence the assertion that " emancipation follows from a knowledge of the distinction between the Manifest, the Unmanifest, and the Spirit," becomes meaningless. The hope 100--that * emancipation would be obtained on the destruction oi the residua of Karma, by means of experience extending to an uncertain period of time"-15 too sanguine ever to be realised."
Answer :
Karikā LXVII By the attainment of perfect wisdom, Virtue and the
rest become devoid of causal energy ; Reason why the vet the Spirit remains awhile invested body does not dissolve immedia- with the body, just as a potter's wheel tely on the attain- continues to revolve through the momenment of wisdom
tum of the impluse previously imparted to it.