(249) Objection :-“Pleasure and pain, (according to the Samkhya) are material and are the properties of the Will; as such how can these be said to belong to the Sentient
Spirit ?"
Answer - The term “Puruşa," literally means “one
who lies in the subtle body;" and this latter Explanation of
of being connected with the Will and its prothe word Purusa
perties, leads to the idea of the Spirit being connected with then
(250) Question - How can pain which is related to the body be said to belong to the Spirit?.
Reply:--"Due to the non-discrimination of the Spirit from Limit of the pain the body: the wpirit cognising ils
**** from the body, mistakes the fluctuations of the latter for its own. Or the 341 in 3 . may be taken as pointing to the limit of the Spirit's pam—the meaning being, “ Until the subtle body has ceased io be, the Spirit suffers pain."
(251) The author next deals with the vifferent views that have been held regarding the caușe of 'Evolution' or * Creation'.
Kärikā LVI This evolution from the Will down to the specific The question as
ion as elements, is brought about by the (modito the Maker of fications of) Prakrti. This work is the Universe done for the emancipation of each Spirit, decided
and thus is for another's sake, though appearing as if it were for the sake of Nature herself.