things from the cattle down to the Immobile things, abound in the Tamas-attribute, as full of . Delusion'. The regions of the earth-consisting of the seven Dvipas ( continents ) and Oceans--form the 'middle' evolution abounding in the Rajas-attribute, as it is full of pain and because in it actioris, righteous and unrighteous, are performed.
The entire Universe is summed up in the phrase "from Brahmā to the tuft of griuss"the 'tuft of grass' including the trees and such other things.
(248) Having thus described the evolution, the author proceeds to show that it is the source of pain--a fact the knowledge of which would be conducive to that ‘Dispassion' (Freedom fron attachment) which is belpful in attaining the Final Goal
Kärikā LV Therein does the Sentient Spirit experience pain
arising from decay and death, due to the The sources of
non-discrimination of the Spirit from the
body [or, until the dissolution of the subtle body], thus Pain is in the very nature of things.
Therein'-in the body. Among corporeal beings the Pain of decay body is the vehicle of various forms of and death. the Pleasure, and yet the pain of decay and common lot of death' is the common lot of all. The fear all creatures
of death, -" may I not cease to be; may I continue to be" &c.,-being common to man as well as io the smallest insect; and the cause of fear constituting pain, death is a source of pain.*
* It may be worth noting here that Death in itself is not pain. It is only the fear (the fear of the unknown) that makes the thought of death so painful.