different kinds of cravings or desires. This purity is not obtainable without the refinement arising from a long, careful and uninterrupted course of practice, hence the word Dīna 'purity' includes (as a means to success) this practice also. This the fifth Success called 'Sadā-muarta'.
(236) The aforesaid thrce prima y successes' (three suppressions of Pain) are called, ' Prouoda', 'Mudita' and
Modamāna'. And these three with last five are eight forms of Success (237) Other people explain the text is follows :-(1)
the perception of math, without the instrucAnother explara- toz of others, I cought about purely by tion of the Powers
means of practices durms past lives, is what is the first 'suċcess' me.dit by ühi, (2) And that which is obtained by listening to another person reading the texts of the Sankhya Philosophy, is the second success called 'Schda', because it follows solely from the verbal text (3) Where the truth is learnt from the study of the words and meaning of the Sirikhya texts in the course of regular residence at the Teacher's, -t is the third form of success, due to study, and is called 'adhyayana'. (4) The fourth consists in the attainment of wisdom by coming in contact with a friend who has already got at it. This form of Success distinguished by knowledge, is called 'Suhrtprūptı. (5) Fifthly, Dāna (Generosity) is said to be means to Success' because true wisdom is imparted by the teacher duly propitiated with gifts.
The propriety of either interpretation we leave to the learned to judge; and we desist from pointing out the faults of others, because our business lies only in elucidating the cardinal doctrines of the Samkhya Philosophy.
(238) The Disabilities of the Will arising from the 'reversion of Contentment and Success' thus become seventeen