(232) Following from this last is oral instruction, which 12) Sutira term implies the comprehension of the mean
ing of the texts studied—the cause ( distinction ) standing for the effect ( comprehension of the meaning). This constitutes the second success also called 'Sutāra'.
- These two-reading of the text and comprehension of the meaning together constitute the 'Sravana' (Hearing )
(which along with manana and nididhyāsana is the means of realising the highest Truth.]
(233) Reasoning consists in the investigating of the (3) Tāratāra
meaning of the scriptures by a process of acara reasoning not inconsistent with the scriptures
reas themselves. This 'investigation' consists in establishing the ultimate Truth by setting aside all doubts and",objections with regard to it. This process is also called 'Manana' (meditation) by writers on the Vedas. This success is called 'Tāratūra'. (234) The fourth is the acquisition of friends. Even
though one has arrived at the truth by the 14) Kamyaka right process of reasoning, yet one has no confidence in lus conclusions until he has discussed them with, and won the agreement of, his teacher and fellowstudents. Hence the 'acquisition of such 'friends' as the teacher and fellow-students is said to be the fourth success called 'Ramyaka'. (235) By dāna here is meant purity, of discriminative
... wisdom-the word being derived from the (5) Sadāmudita
Sadamudita root 'Darp', to purify. This 'purity' has been thus described by the revered Patañjalı: “An unimpeded discriminative knowledge is the means to the suppression of pain" (Yoga-Sūtra 11—26). By unimpededness in the Sūtra is meant purity, by which again is meant the process of placing discriminative wisdom on a clear basis, after having destroyed all doubts and mistaken notions mixed with