Verse combina
sents it to the * I-principle,' which lakes personal cognizance of them, and finally delivers it to the chief officer, Will. Hence it is said: “These having illumined the whole of the Spirit's purpose present it to the Will." (181) The external organs, the Mind and the l-princi
ple are various modifications of the Attri'In spite of di- butes i. e., phases of Sattva, Rajas and tion of the Attri- Tamas. Even though these are mutually butos, yet the
nugatory yet they are led to co-operate for internal organs co-operate to the supreme purpose of Spirit; just as the wards a single
wick, oil and fire (though variously purpose like a lamp
opposed to the action of one another,) yet
combine, in the form of the lamp, in removing darkness, and fhus illumine (manifest) the different colours. The same is the case with the modifications of the Attributes; such is the connection.
Objection :-“ Why should it be said that the other Objection-Why organs present their impressions to the Will ? not make Buddhi Why should not we make it the other way : -sub-ordinate to the Will presents its impressions to the the others?
l.principle and the Mind, which latter being ' superior'?" Answer :
Kärikä XXXVII In as much as it is the Will that accomplishes the Reply: the su. Spirit's experiences, and again it is Will periority of Buddhi accounted for that discriminates the subtle difference because it direct between Nature and Spirit [it is Will ly fulfils cae soulpurpose, und bri- that is regarded as superior to the other dges the gap bet- twol. woen Spirit and Matter