(142) Thus, (a) from the primary element of ‘sound'
proceeds Ākās'a, having sound as its characThe process of the teristic property; (6) from the primary production of the elements element of 'touch' as combined with that of
'sound proceeds Air, with sound and touch as its characteristic properties; (c) from the primary element of colour combined with those of 'sound' and 'touch' proceeds Fire, with sound, touch and colour for its characteristic properties; (d) from the primary element 'taste combined with those of sound', 'touch' and colour proceeds Water, with sound, touch, colour, and taste as its characteristic properties; and lastly, (e) from the primary element of 'odour' combined with those of ‘sound', 'touch', colour' and 'taste" proceeds Earth with all sound, touch, colour, taste and odour as its characteristic properties.
(143) The Unmanifest Nature has been already defined in general terms in Kārıkā X, and specifically in Kärikā XIII; the Manifest also has been generally defined in Karıkā X; now the author defines Buddhi, a particular form of the Manifest, the Buddhi--the knowledge of which is helpfu towards discriminative wisdom.
Karikā XXIII Buddhi, the Great Principle, 'is determination' li. e.
determining Principle, Will)*; Virtue, Buddhi defined. Wisdom, Dispassion and Power, constiIts properties
tute its form when abounding in the
Sattva-attribute,--and the reverse of these when abounding in the Tamas-Principle.
*Though there is some difference of opinion or this point, yet I am inclined to think that Adhyavasāya means 'determining' and of all the faculties will appears to be the only determining principle in Man.