of any kind is possible );-thus it is that for his own Isolation the Spirit needs Nature. In as much as this series of unions ( between the Spirit and Nature ) is eternal, it is only right and proper that the Spirit, though he had been already united for the purposes of enjoyment', should be united with it again, for the purpose of Isolation'. (140) “Granted that there is this union between these
two ; but whence the evolution of the Great The necessity of Principle and the rest ?" Answer “ From the creation of Buddhi etc
this union proceeds evolution." The said
' union' (of Spirit with Nature ) cannot by itself suffice either for enjoyment' or 'Isolation of the Great Principle and the rest be not there; hence the union itself brings about the Evolution for the sake of enjoyment' and · Isolation."
The process of Evolution is now explained.
Kärikā XXII . From the (Parkrti Primordial Matter, Nature) issues The process of Mahat (Buddhi, the Great Princiele) ; Evolution from from this issues Ahankara (I-principle); PrakȚti down from which proceed the set of sixteen wards
from five of this set of sixteen 'proceed the five elementary substances.
(141) From Prakrti, etc.,- Prakrii is the Unmanifest ( Nature ); Mahat (Great Principle ) and Ahankāra (1Principle ) will be described later. The set of sixteen' is made up of the eleven sense-organs, to be described later on, and thu five primary elements. Out of these sixteen, from the five primary elements, proceed respectively the five elementary substances (Ākās'a, Earth, Water, Air and Fire).