'Isolation' or final beatitude, therefore, the Spirit must be there.
The Spirit exists : because all
are for another
(120) The Spirit must be there, apart from the Unmanifest (Nature) and other things. (a) "Because all composite objects are for another's use"compound objects This reason, when reduced to the syllogistic form, would stand thus-Nature, the Great Principle, the 'I-principle', and other things must exist for another's use, because they are composite like the bedstead, the chair, the unguent and other things.-Nature and the rest are all composite', being composed as they are, of pleasure, pain and delusion.* (represented by the three Attributes of Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas).
(121) "But"
an Elementary Spirit
Objection: The above reasoning
says the objector, the bedstead, the chair, and other composite things are found to exist for the Body which is itself a composite would only lead thing, and not for the Spirit as apart from compounds, not to Nature etc; so that the fact of Nature &c.,
to another set of
being composite, should only lead to the inference of another composite thing-(for whose use they exist) and not to that of a non-composite Spirit.
We reply-" Because there must be absence of the three Attributes and other properties."-That is to Reply-Since the say, if from the fact of Nature, &c., 'being reverse of that which possesses for another's use', we were to infer only the three Attributes another composite object, then in that case,
must exist
we would have to assume such composite
*This sounds rather absurd. But we must not forget that the whole set of material objects are mere emanations from Nature, whose constituent elements are the three Attributes, which latter consist in pleasure, pain and delusion, respectively.