(118) The enquirer objects—"How can diverse methods
of operation belong to the Attributes, when Objection-How each of them is of one uniform nature?" We can an Attribute of uniform nature reply—“By modification like water;"-we bring about
all know how the water falling from the diverse actions
clouds, though naturally of itself, having one taste, * becomes sweet, sour, saline, bitter, pungent and hot,
according as it comes into contact with Reply:-" By different modifications of earth and becomes modification as water.''
transformed into the juice of fruits such as
cocoanut, palm, wood-apples and so forth; in the same manner, ( owing to the blending and the mutual suppression of the Attributes), the Attributes of Nature come to be predominant one by one and thereby bring about various modifications (in the state of various products ). This is what is meant by the phrase: “on account of the difference arising from the predominance of one or the other of the Attributes." That is, by the peculiarities due to the predominance of one or the other of the Attributes.
(119) There are some self-contented (Materialists) who accept, as 'Spirit', either the Unmanifest (Nature) or the Great Principle or the ‘I-principle' or the Sense-organs, or the elemental substances. As against these, the Author makes the following declaration.
Karikä XVII (a) Because all composite objects are for another's
use, (b) because there must be absence of Reason for the the three Attributes and other properties, existence of Spirit
(c) because there must be control, (d) be
cause there must be some one to experience and (e) because there is a tendency towards
#Sweet' according to the Naiyāyikas.