but he is the object of the most fervent warmth of TFT do Blessed were those who realised and enjoyed this love in the purest divinity To follow this path of love is to walk on the edge of the sword. Those who are unable to follow this, should dedicate every thing to lord shri Krishna. All can not be expected to reach this highest standard Only those who are completely face in Lord, can realise the highest beauty of this ideal. Up to this time only this have become able to realise this highest ideal of this most enduring love towarbs lord shri Krishna. Hence women of vraja are Considered greater than ज्ञानिन्, greater than भक्तs, greater than मुनिन्। and even greater than Eng, pet or m a ç like vasishtha
Vallabhacharya preached this Bhakti marga aftera considerable deliberation, fully knowing that in this kalı age every material has become impure, he found out a path by which all can approach God. His teachings are pure simple and entirely leading towards God, Lord shri Krishna.
With feelings of joy, the author offers this fruit of his labour of love to the lovers and devotees of Vaishnavism.
Juara nandır, I BRAJNATH SHASTRI. Bombay (India) Annakoototsava
( THE AUTHOR ). 1984 V S
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