along with my conscience and their duties to you I herewith, O Lord, dedicate my wife, my children, my wealth, my home and every thing pertaining to myself to you."
It is to be remembered that this dedication is to be made to Lord Shri Krishna and not to any human being including Acharya or guru. This is also called Atmanivedana or self surrender This self surrender is to be remembered always and should be realized every now and then.
Shri Vallabhacharya says that the Brahmasambandha mantra was specially communicated to him by Lord Krishna himself on the mid night of the 11th day of the bright half of shravana the Hindu month
When the initiation is taken, the initiate should not accept any thing in his personal use, exept offering the same first to Lord Shri Krishna.
Accordingly, when he is married and his wife comes, he should lead her to god Krishna and kneeling down should request the Lord that a new servant. for his seva, or service is secured and is being admitted in the servant staff Thus she is offered or dedicated to Lord Shri Krishna.