biclicicr in the 17t, with a porc manet, te Minny other Rulers of India followw in his stcps und fccime disciples of Alahävira "
Ito nin l'ardlıomina give freedom of thought, speccit and work to all, in a crinu sien it 49 dccmod impossiblc lo cien risc one's voice ngainst the ceiling rigious doçmas and rituals, howsocier absurd and intolerable 'Cc tl.cy, Sirhiviri set an esimplc of spiritual licroism, u lich changed thic
on mode of life of mankind Alumā replaced Hinici in cicry walk of lifc. So freedom tought by lakasin as not confined to spirtual realm alonc. As an omniscient profound techer, Malini in deliicrcd discourses on cycry briach of knowledge and science Pcopic of Indir particularly and the manFind in general, #7 greatly bencfitted by Ilie teachings and the Jaint canonical literature 5.1540 immense and varied thit it satisfied pcoplc of every pursuasion. But pils is that most of it has been lost and with if the knowledge of secular sciences as taught by the Lord, hasc algo gonc into oblivion. Honcter the more list of their contents and the remaining portions of it ac cnough to prosc that Tirthankara Varddhamana vas a truc and great hero of generosity, Dūnasün.
Is a Tirthanham, 1c muas naturally destinic 1 to bestos sccurity and Icfugc to one and all, who were fortunate to reach near Him. His mere contact wiped away cycry tinge of fear from the heart, which anticipatcs and heightens future evils Thus the contact and company of Mahavira was a safeguard against evil and sin for men.
Fcar is itself more than its pain and coward becomes a source of evils to others Varddhamāna know it well and He made it incumbent for His followers to become scarless, for they know the truc nature of Soul and other substances of the world. Soul is eternal, all-knowing, and blissful in csscncc. Then why man should be afraid of anything? Amālıkridã incident of Varddhamina's life, as narrated above carned Him the name of Mohavira He was not afraid of the great cobra but never entertained a barbarian idea of killing it Death personified, a cobra 18 regarded in general and tendency of average people 16 so full of cowardice and fear that they freciy harbour the non-Aryan idea of killing it But what right have they to snatch away the body and living vitality of snake-goul, which are as much dear to its self as they are dear to aggressive mind of man. The significance of this incident of conquering cobra 18 manifest itself, since it establishes obviously that Varddhamāna, even in His boyhood unbibed the spirit of and followed the Aryan Truth of Ahimsa ( non-Injury), which imparts security and succour cven to an alien foe in its highest aspect. Due to this unique significance of the Amālikridă incident, it has
16. Shali, Jainism in North India, p. 117. 17. Bec" Some Historical Taina Kinga & Heroes" by K. P. JAIN.'(Delhi)