भ० महावीर स्मृति-प्रथ।
free of fear and danger One cannot be the follower of Mahävira unless he becomes Nissanka (fearless ) and Nikkanchhi ( conqueror of desires ) to the best of one's ability " But Varddhamãos was not only a bero, rather He was great hero among the heroes Well, now let us see here, who should be styled a hero in the true sense ? Generally courage, boidness and bravery for the right cause is passed for heroism Every nation have beroes-- heroes of war, science, patriotism and religious fervor. But the condition for being a true hero is to subdue and conquer one's own Self. In Indian Sanskrit literature four kinds of heroes are described, namely Heroes (1) of religion Dharmavīra, (2) heroes of compassion Dayāvira, (3) beroes of genrosity Dânavira and (4) beroes of battlefield : Yuddhavira." The Jainas also name four kinds of heroes, 1. e, those of compassion, penance, generosity and battlefield 12 This classification 18 based on merit and the amount of bravery and selfdental required in the performance of the right deed for the good of all. True heroism begins with Dharma of compassion, for heroism bas been regarded as the generosity of the highest order. Prince Vardhamana possessed a noble heart He was courageous enough from very boyhood to speak truth, to stand by the side of just and to resist every temptation. Mära (cupid) aimed at Him his full-fledged arrows, but they were of no avail near Him He became Mārajit, victorious over cupid and a great hero of Religion "Thus as hero at the head of a battle, He bore all hardships and remaining undisturbed, proceeded on the road to Deliverance Understanding the truth and restraining the impulses for the purification of the Soul, He finally liberated " 13 Hence a great Ksamašīra and Tapaśūra He was.
Undoubtedly Mabāyira Vardhamāna figured as a supremely gifted Ksatriya Teacher and Leader of Thought, Who gathered unto Him many men and women and was honoured and worshipped by many hundreds and thousands of Srávakas or lay disciples 4 He was acknowledged as a great guardian,'' a great guide,'' a great preacher,'' a great pilot,' and ' a great ascetic ' 15 While He was on a touring visit to Rājagraha, Srenika Bimbisāra, the renowned king of Magadha, pard a glowing tribute to Him, saying, that "You have made the best use of hurdan birth, You have become a true Jina (Spiritual Conqueror) You are a Protector (of mankind at large), and of your relations, for, you have entered the path of the best Junas." Fortbwith the king together with his wives, servants and relations became a staunch
10 Samantabhadra, Ratnakarandaba 11. '* adgaery Terfaasagaieta' - afriqdor. A 12 TRIE ET 9. 7 alate, park, Torel, I-TYTT 98. 13. Acāranga. 1,8, 9(JS 1,87). 14. B.C. Law, Mabăvira: His Life & Teachings, (London), pp. 18-19. 15. Dvēsaga-dacio, Lecture VII