detached from the body, i. e. by making all other beings feel safe from him. That is the way of Ahimsa" (Young India, 4-11-1926, 384-385.)
Now, that is the truth of Ahimsā? The truth is thus. All living beings in the world have the same life and the same soul. They belong to the same Mother, come from the same origin and will return to the same home. It is libe a tree of which the stem, branches, leaves, dowers and fruits all come into being from one and the same root. It is also like an ocean, of which all individual beings are but it's separate drops. We therefore belong to all, and all belong to us. Thus the Chinese sages said --
"Heaven, Earth and I were born at the same time ; and all beings are, one and the same with me." (Chuan-Tsu TsWu-Lun.)
"All things are one " and "Love all beings , Heaven and Earth are one and the same body.” (Hui-Tsu Quoted by Chuan-Tsu )
"All things are already complete in me" (Mencius : Book of Mencius.) "All people are my brethren and all things are my fellosye" (Chang.
Tsar S1-Ming).
As such, we therefore should love not only all people but all living berage. We must treat all of them as ourselves and must not burt any of them, causing them pain just as we would not like any of them to hurt us, causing us pain, following the Golden Rule in the great Epics taught by the Bacient Indian sages "Da naught to others which if done to thee would cause thee pain," Jesus Christ and Copfucius also gave us exactly the game message. Jesus Christ said in His Sermon on the Mount. " Whatsoever he would that men should do to you, do ye even go to them." Confucius said in answering to a question as to "What is the most simple way one may follow for his whole life time?", put by his disciple: "What you do not fant done to yourself, do not do to others"
Lord Mahāyīra illustrated this message 10 an even more lucid way in the following passages -
"The man also, who still lives in the house, should, in accordance witb Dis Creed, be merciful to all living beings, we are bidden to be fair and equal
with all."
"Towards your fellow-creatures be not hostile , that 18 the Law of Him who is rich in control."
"All beings hate pain therefore one should not kill them."
"A man who insults another will long whirl in the cycle of births, to blame others 18 Dot good."
"A cruel man does cruel acta and is thereby involved in other crueltjes but sinful undertakings will in the end bring about misery" (Sotra Krtaaga. S B. E, Series)
"In happiness and sufering, in joy and grief, we should regard ali creatures as we regard our own self, and should therefore refrain from înflicting