भ. महावीर-स्मृत्ति-ग्रंथ।
(4) Samyag-Karmanta, right conduct; (5) Samyag-Ajiva, right livelihood; (6) Samyag-Vyāyāma, right effort, W) Samyag-Smsti, right remembrance; and (8) Samyag-Samadhi, rugbt meditation Both these sets of items are right ways leading to the same goal, Nirvāna.
Besides, both, Jina Mabârira and Sākaymunı Buddha, believed in the doctrine of Karma and Samsāra, They both denied the omnipotent creator God; and believed that only one's own zeal and effort could work out one's own salvation.
The similarity between the two religions, Jainism and Buddbism, is so great that some western savants mistook them for one and the same. The real facts are that from the religious point of view they were indeed very similar to each other, but from the metaphysical point of view they are quite diferent
But the most striking feature of the two religions is the same teaching, the same gospel of Ahimsa in both it's positive and negative sepses, in it's negative sense of absolute and perfect barmlessness towards all living beings, and its positive sense of " absolute and eternal happiness for all living beings."
As Love is the indissoluble partner of Ahimsā as stated before, Truth is another inseparable campamon of Ahimsä. As Gandhiji once sard .
"Ahimsã and Truth are so interityined that it 18 practically impossible to disentangle and separate them. They are like the two sides of a coin, or rather a smooth unstamped metallic disc Who can say, wbich is obverse and which the reverse?" (From Yeravada Mandır, 13.)
Ahimsa, Love, Truth are the trinity of One which we may call the Supreme, or God, or Heaven, or Brabma, or any other dame me like. In carrying out their mission this Trinity bare again a number of allies or comrades such as Charity, Sacrifice, Selflessness, Fearlessness, Forgiveness, etc. Thus Gandhiji said:
" In its positive form, Ahimsa means the largest love, greatest charity. If I am a follower of Ahimsa. I must love my enemy. I must apply the same rules to the wrong-doer who is my enemy or a stranger to me, as I would to my wrong.doing father or Son This active Ahimsā necessarily includes truth and fearlessness." (Speeches and Writings of Mahatma Gandbi, 346.)
"Ahimsa is the extreme limit of forgiveness. But forgiveness is the quality of the brave. Ahimsā is impossible without fearlessness",
"Let us not examine the root of Abimsā It is utterroost selflessness. Selflessoess means complete freedom from a regard for one's body If man desired to real... himself, i e. Truth, he could do so only by being completely