म. महावीर-स्मृति-प्रथ।
मथुराम राज्य स्थापित किया था। यह वामिल देशके प्रदेश है; जो कर्णाटकसे सटा हुआ है। उस समय कर्णाटक (कर्ण-नाटक) और पल्लव (पर्ण-नाटक) एक देशके उत्तरीय या दक्षिणी भागमें रहते थे और एक जातिके थे। पाणिनिने गोत्र नामोंमें कर्णाटकों व पर्णाटकॉका उल्लेख किया है। वे समवता माट् क्षत्रियोंकी मिश्र जातियाथों । मस्त चक्रवर्तीके समय बाठों (शातों) की एक प्रमुख क्षत्रिय जाति थी। अन्तिम तीर्थंकर महापौरका जन्म ज्ञात (नाट ) क्षत्रियोंमें हुमा था। इन ज्ञात या नाट क्षत्रियों के अनेक कुल दक्षिणमेंभी मावाद थे। कुन्धलके कर्णाटक, द्रविरके कर्णाटक, महिमडलके पुन्नाट, माधके किनाट, किष्कयके वानर और उत्तर कौशलके उन्नाट क्षत्रिय भातृ (नाट ) क्षत्रियोंकेही भेद हैं। अतः स्पष्ट है कि प्राचीन जैन इतिहासका सम्पर्क दक्षिण कर्णाटकसे था। नाट्क्षत्रिय वहां रहते थे। यदि यह वात न होती तो भगवाहु ओचार्य सम्राद
चन्द्रगुप्त सहित श्रवणयेलगोलको न आते । इस विषय पर माननीय लेखक अन्य विद्वानों के विचार जानने के लिए उत्सुक हैं। -का०प्र०] . .
I believe that very old relations have existed betšeen Karnatak and Jainism My belief is based on the historical evidence implicit in the Purānas. Puränās are regarded as pre-history, true. If such pre history 1$ studied from a comparative stand-point in the light of the Jain, Visboava and Saiva Purānas the scope iof history itself will' be widened. It is time that this systematic reconstruction 18 undertaken by the, Pandits in the sake of the Orientalists Sa C R Krishnamacharya's, "The Cradle of Indian History" (The Adyar Library Series 56), is good beginning in this direction If research is prosecuted further on these lines, it will probably be established that the Jain, Vaishnava, Brahmha, Shakta, Saura and Chandra views of Reality have rayed out of a single central Inspiration of Vision, just &8 Dow, it has come to be accepted that the Ganges, the Indus and the Bramhaputra have a common regional basis in the Himalayas. Such a finding will contribute to the evolution of the synthetic unity, which is the need of the hour,
In the Jain Agamas, there is embodied beside the Darshana, the Purāna relating thereto. From this tradition we understand that the Adi-tirthankara Rishabhadeva, revealer of the Jain Illumination is venerated in the Visbnaya Agamag as well. Nay, more The trinity of Nábbi, Vrishabba and Bharata, sbares fraternal status with Uttanapada Raya, the father of the exemplar of Vaishnava devotion, Dhruva According to the Vaishnava · Agamas Nābhi Raya, is the Fourteenth Maru: Prior to him are reckoned the parva Bhavas of the Adlyina ( आदि-जिन ) and thirteen Manus of the Jaghanya Bhoga-Bhimi (नपन्य भोगभूमि). By the criterion of the ' Vaishnava Puranas the present Vedic era is part of the Vaivaswata Manvantara Rişha. bhidder's age 13 antenor to it. Our country bad not yet acquired the same of Bharat-Khanda. The contours of the known world were established in the time of Bharata's grand-father, Nabhi Raya. All the puranas more or less accept and describe this geography, The Purānas say that in Nābhi Raya's time, this land of our's was designated 'Ajankbb2-Varsba,' Anterior