" सवही विषयके शास्त्र थे शोभित यहां भंडारमे, नहिं अन्य उनकी जोडके थे ग्रन्थ इस संसारमें। निज २ विषयमे एकसे बढ कर यहां पर अन्य थे, पढ कर उन्हें मानव सदाही देखते निज पन्थथे ॥"
--जैन भारती।
"As with everything else in life, the Jarnas appear to have carried their spirit of acute analysis and asceticism into the sphere of art and architecture
as well "
" .. the Jaidas distinguished themselves by their decorative sculpture, and attained a considerable degree of excellence in the perfection of their pillared chambers which were their favourite form of architecture."