भ० महावीर-स्मृति-ग्रंथ।
They have placed the light on the Path of the devotee. His greatest joy 18 to be allowed to follow in the Path which they have trod. This is the ideal life It is the path of Peace la every religion of the world will be found these fundamentals of Truth Unfortunately many of the religions have been engulfed by man-made laws The unreal has been worshipped, and mankind has been led deeper and deeper into error
May it be that this little writing of mine will be read by some dear brother who has been in pursuit of Truth, who has been an are within his ord soul that there is an ideal within himself-bis own soul. May he be led to study the Jaina Teachings more fully. Then be till find of a surety that that which the Holy Ones have placed before us by their lives and teachings is the light of the World and the life which wili gire per zest to humanity within his soul great peace will artse as he reads and lives these teachings “Knock and the Door will be opened unto you Seek and ye shall find."
AHIMSA The Jaina layman, when he enters the path which leads to Perfection and Bliss, begins by avoiding the doing of unnecessary harm. We recall all the teachings of the past there is goodness to day 1 About us me seek for a solution. But a 700-stricken orld can give us no answer.
Even to-day, after two of the most terrible destruction caused by two wars, we cannot even find peace in the world. The cleverest of scientists are engrossed in their research for atomic weapons of destruction. We read shocking reports of the power of death-dealing weapons both atomic and bacterial for the next war."
Politics faili So-called religion has failed to give any rengedy. Is there no remed, then I answer Yes , and it is an emphatic ges' that I do gire.
Evil invariably begins and ends with mankind-by the individual It can be ended by those very means, the individual effort AHDISA--"Non Injury" is the main plank of the Jeina platform. When & devotes catera the path of the House holder he forts that he will harm no living thing.
Not only mankind enters the scope of his yotts. No. It includes all, liring things. S'adi of Shirāz rightly urges -
"Do not injuse the ant which is a carrier of grain;
For it has life, and life is dear to all 1" A man who longs for the joys and Perfection of the gods must prepare