Lord Mahāvīra's Message of Universal Love!
BY DR. WILLIAM HENRY TALBOT, FAREHAM ( ENGLAND) The name of Mahävira and Ahimsa' culture, is replete with Peacoa uputterable, the Bliss embodied in such seed name vibrations. Holy, Holy, Holy Art Thou Mahavira and Thy Co-Conquerors. The example of Thy Victory is the measure for which mankind and indeed all life imprisoned in matter can aspire.
I cry to Thy shell or imprint indelibly left on unconscious Mind of this world, to which mind all mankind are cocheir, that Thou voluntarily vacate Thy throne of omniscience and return to the tortured world, that Thou overcome in the East and again show us this time in the West - the Nadir of human habitation - how to meet the full fury of frustrated desire.
In the East the climate 18 in harmony with food of one sense life but not in the West.
In the East thought 19 not tantamount to its material fulfilment as in the West.
In the West we cannot differentiate between the shadow and the substance and we hurt each other in the name of love.
In the West our religion 18 mockery and there is no health in us.
Otherwise-cause to be sent to us in the West such an Exhibition, Demonstration, Exhortation, or even Dictation of 'Ahimsa' culture as will, by its intensity, proclivity and sheer concentrated power become a Solvent of our case-hardened materiality
Embraced in simplicity, the "hallmark of Abisā culture" against what could one rebel! The harshness of outline becomes merged into Unity. Boundary or limitation imposed by desire, no longer in evidence. The life and teachings of our Lord Mahavira will surely demonstrate the path to thus end and we welcome the English Version - the end product of Eastera Initiated thought, and demonstrated practice.
There was a period when the West Bent chicken out to forage for them. selves, they now have returned to roost, we do not recogonge them now a8 chicken but as Monsters and their sharpened claws or spurs have now no one to sharpen themselves on but their progonitions, we twist and turn and writhe in our self-determined agony and cry in no uncertain mapner for surcease from our travail.
Our mucous membranes are constipated obstruction to vital energy is present in our physical bodies, friction therein impedes our progress and we have yet to learn that the body is healthy only when "One Goutt" is in control of the whole world - Or body, with " One Language " too completed, when" One Wage " 19 paid to all the cells, whether they be executive cells or scavengers
What should one expect or demand, that all others cannot possess, or have little or no opportunity of doing so ? Does the father say to his child - "I am stronger than you, so I will take the lion s sha