म महावीर स्मृति-मथ
Lord Mahāvira's Ahimsa : A Golden Mean!
(MESSAGE) There is a gencral aryakening among the people of all countries in the world regarding the principle of Ahimsā and much of the credit of this awakening must naturally go to Mahatma Gandhi. But, I fear, there is more sound than substance in the homage which people are today paying to the principle which Lord Mahāvīra taught. It is not easy to say why we talk so much about Ahimsā while we allow that principle to affect our life and conduct to such a negligible ertent. One reason may be that Ahimsā as taught by Lord Mabãyira and his disciples has not been studied and taught with the care with which the Acharyas have propounded the principle mañy generations ago I hope the volume you are editing will explain the prraciple in all its aspects with a view particularly to explain its applications to life in the present-day world On the one hand we have what we may call the extreme view of those who say that complete Ahimsā can be and should be observed in conduct eren by those who cannot free themselves completely from the duties of sorldly life: at the other end come the majority of the people sho believe in the rule of might and 10 the principle that the stronger should swallow the weaker. The first extreme 18 impracticable, while the second is thoroughly immoral. I think that the Ahimsä as preached by Lord Mabūrira af olds both the extremes and strikes the golden mean which is a path of progress of the Soul to its final liberation
I wish your volume all the success which you and Sjt. Kamta Prasad 30 richly deserve.
Yours Sincerely,
Sd A. B LATTHE, MA, LL B., Constitutional Adviser to H H. Chhatrapati
Mahara), Kolhapur
(Continued from 5 page) the members do not show the same regard for the principles when they are called upon actuilly to apply them in the worldly affairs in which their own interest arc inyolcd Those who are follos crs of Mahavir will be doing #greatncc if their endeavour will succeed in creating an organisation that Will tind nipidly for obser.ance of the rules of morality, non-violence, truth and forbearance in all spheres of human activity.
M. S. ANET, Governor of Bihar,