सस्कृत-प्राकृत व्याकरण और कोश की परम्परा
Il şk and sk>kk, puşkara >pukkara,
maskara>makkara (RT III 13). III The suffixes dā, di, ulla, ulli and a are added to the
noun and adjective stem As, hiadā, goladi etc
(Pu XVII 16-19, RT. III 1-6-7, Mk XVII. 5-8) VI In all genders the declensional termination is elided,
and the termination of the base is optionally lengthened As, aggi, aggi, vanadam, vanādām
(Pu XVII 41, RT III 1 8-9, Mk XVII. 10) V The nominative singular may be in o, as, narao,
(Pu XVII 41) VI u is added to a and a bases. as kanhu, kılantu, mālāu.
(Pu XVII. 42, RT. III. 1.11, Mk XVII 15-16) VII. In all genders Instrumental singular termination is e,
as, vanae vahue, panālie, but in i and u base it is ena. VIII The ablative singular termination is he and ho, as,
gharahe, gharaho
(Pu XVII 43, III 1.12, Mk XVII 18-19). TX The following substitutes are noticed:
stokam>thodam, bhadram>bhallam, tvadīyam>teram, toharam, madiyam>meram, moharam, kidrśı> kebi
(Pu XVII. 30, RT III 1 5) X Some pronominal substitute
yat>jadru (m), tat>tadru (m) idam>imu, etad>eha, e,
(Pu XVII 56-57, RT III I 20-21; Mk XVII 34-38) XI yusmad is declined as follows:
Nom Acc. Inst.
Singular tuham páim paim
Plural. tumbhajm tumbhaim tumbahım