संस्कृत-प्राकृत व्याकरण और कोण की परम्परा
19 According to MW, p 50, apamarsa is a varia lectio for ablumarśana in the Sākuntala
20 Whitney, Grammar, §1157 3 g
21 ibid, §§ 1208 and 1211
22 Monier-William, Grammor, § 755 b
23 For -- before -m- instead of -m- or anusvāra, vide Weber, Pañcadnda, p 6
24 Whitney, Grammar, § 219 b affords one example agacchan ahoraträt tirtham (Mbh) 'They went to the shrine after a whole day'
25 Meghadutan of Mahakavi Kalidas with the Katyayani Sanskrit Commentary, Gujarati Samashloki and Gujarati Translation by Kt C Rajvaidya JK Shastri (Gondal, Kathiawad, 1953), p 109
26 Whitney, Grammar, §295
27 ibid, $579 b
28 Su's vṛtil is of the so-called kathambhūtini tikă variety in which a scries
of questions is asked by the commentator in order to set forth the epithets of the mula in reply and show what nouns they modify 29 In this vigraha, pānducchāya- appears to be taken as a karmadhurya instead of a bahuvrilu and upavanavṛti as a possessive genitive 'where there are pale colours belonging to the enclosures 'This is, of course,
at variance with the relationship of the parts of the compound implied in dhavalaprabhāh upavanavāṭıkāh where dhavala° is a bahuvrihi adjective limiting upa
30 vide Upadhye, Introduction, p 110, eg in the Bihat Kathakosa Weher also notes occasional non-causative uses of causative stems, exx p 35, I 21 äkarsıtam (' erwartet man hier statt des Causatives das einfache ākṛṣṭam') and p 36, 1 9 mocayısyāmı ('das Causativ hat heir keine rechte Stelle, moksyāmi wäre passender')
31 Whitney, Grammar, §1041 b, c
32 For ut-/t in the sense of the aya-vtr, vide Bloomfield, Parcvanatha, p
33 Whitney, Grammar, §1051, a
34 cf Kathasaritsägara LXXV 92
dattämbuyavasau vahau gupte' vasthāpya cātra sah |
rajaputre sthute vṛddām mantriputro jagāda tām ||
35 In connection with cat cf Bloomfield' Parcvanatha, pp 221-2 and Weber, Pañcadanda, p 37,1 16 yady esasmatkare catati Whitney, Roots, under cat gives the meaning 'go'
36 John T Platts, A Dictonary of Classical Urdu, Hindi and English (London, Oxford University Press, 1930) wrongly gives pakşa for pakşma under pototā, p 223
37 ibid, under pāpīkā, p 223
38 cf MW under vapiha, p 941, col 1
39 Platts, Dictionary, p 244
40 de Ralph Lilly Turner, A Comparative and Etymological Dictionary of the Nepali Language (London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1931), p
365 under parijo
41 MW, p 582, col, 1